LIF variations (Gas type Lineup)

Gas type Lineup

In the combustion measurement by LIF, it is possible to measure the molecular species of gas such as acetone, OH, CH, NO and their instantaneous distribution.

The system configuration varies depending on each gas type.

Acetone (Nd:YAG laser + CCD camera)

The easiest method is acetone LIF which seeds acetone at very high evaporation pressure in the flow field at room temperature.

This acetone absorbs in the range of 225 nm to 320 nm with the maximum value of 280 nm.It fluoresces for a short time in a wide range from 350 nm to 550 nm.

A CCD camera without an image intensifier can obtain a signal with sufficiently high resolution.

Acetone (Nd:YAG laser + CCD camera)

OH-PLIF system image
  • Nd: YAG pulsed laser
    Wavelength: 330 mJ @ 532 nm Repetition frequency: 10 Hz

  • Dye laser
    Wavelength: 10 mJ @ 282.93 nm Color used: Rhodamine

  • Control software "Koncerto-PLIF"

  • Timing controller "LC880"
    Number of channels: Input · Output 8 channels

  • Laser intensity monitoring function

  • Special sheet optical system
    Sheet width: 100 mm Variable
    Sheet thickness: Variable

  • High sensitivity ICCD camera
    Resolution: 1024 × 1024
    16 bits
    25 mm φ Gen II image intensifier

  • Other
    UV lens, optical stand, PC

OH (Nd:YAG laser・Dye laser + CCD camera with I.I.)

OH lif system

NO (Nd:YAG laser・Dye laser + CCD camera with I.I.)

NO lif system

CH (Nd:YAG laser・Dye laser + CCD camera with I.I.)

CH (Nd:YAG laser・Dye laser + CCD camera with I.I.)</

CH2O (Nd:YAG laser・Dye laser + CCD camera with I.I.)

CH2O (Nd:YAG laser・Dye laser + CCD camera with I.I.)

OH (Excimer laser + CCD camera with I.I.)

OH (Excimer laser + CCD camera with I.I.)


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